The power of partnership
Partners have played a vital role in shaping AllerGen’s research outcomes, and in translating and commercializing those discoveries to bridge the gap between the academic research lab and Canadians living with allergies and asthma
During its 15 years as an NCE, AllerGen partnered with 651 organizations and research receptor groups across sectors; averaging 137 partners annually and three partners per funded Network project.
Projects were funded conditional upon a networked approach and a mandate of equity, inclusion, diversity and excellence, resulting in a remarkable transdisciplinary collaborative spirit and the relentless quest for new knowledge benefitting Canadians affected by allergy, asthma and related immune disease.
Partners 2005-2020
No Data Found
In total, AllerGen’s Network-wide partner cash and in-kind investments exceed $128.6M, representing an NCE to non-NCE leveraging ratio of $1 : $1.75
- $128.6M partner investments;
- 651 total partners | 3 partners (avg) per research project;
- 148 international partners;
- 45 international HQP collaborations; and
- 7 international Memoranda of Understanding.
AllerGen partners, 2005-2020
AbbVie Corporation
Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada
Acadia University
Adiga Life Sciences Inc.
Advanced Foods and Materials Network (AFMNet)
Advaxis, Inc.
Aerobiology Associates Ltd.
Aerobiology Research Laboratories
Aerogen Ltd.
Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de l’Outaouais
Agence de Montréal et sa Direction de santé publique
AGE-WELL—Aging Gracefully across Environments using technology to support Wellness, Engagement and Long Life
Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
Agriculture and Food Development Authority
Aidan Long Consulting
Aim Therapeutics Inc.
AirZone Incorporated
Albert Tsai Consulting
Alberta ACADRE NEAHR Network Centre
Alberta Asthma Centre
Alberta Breathes
Alberta Cancer Foundation
Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research
Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Alberta Health and Wellness
Alberta Health Services
Alberta Health Services – Aboriginal Health Program and Capital Health Edmonton
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research
Alberta Human Resources and Employment
Alberta Innovates
Alberta Lung Association
Alberta Ministry of Education
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Alimentary Health
Allergic Living
Allergies Québec (AQ)
Allergy & Digestive Health Consulting
Allergy / Asthma Information Association (AAIA)
Allergy, Asthma Information Association (Prairies, NWT, Nunavut and Atlantic divisions)
Altair Therapeutics
Altana Pharma Inc.
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI)
American College Health Foundation
American Thoracic Society (ATS)
American University
Amgen Inc.
Applied Biosystems
Applied Genomatics Research Group, Nova Scotia Community College
Arizona Respiratory Centre
Arkitck Studios
ArrowCan Partners Inc.
Assembly of Alberta Chiefs
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
Assisted Human Reproduction Canada
Association des Allergies Alimentaires (AAA)
Association des Allergologues er Immunolgues du Quebec (AAIQ)
Association Québécoise des Allergies Alimentaires (AQAA)
Asthma & Allergy Network
Asthma Canada
AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
Athabasca University
Atheromedix formerly Salpep
Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program
Atlantic Health Sciences Corp
Atlantic Research Centre Dalhousie University
Aubrey Tingle Consulting
AUG Signals
Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy
Axikin Pharmaceuticals
Bayer Canada Inc.
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
BC Ministry of Health Services
BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC)
BioCanRx—Biotherapeutics for Cancer Treatment
BioDiscovery Toronto (Inc.)
Bloom Burton & Co.
Blue Quills First Nations College
Bothwell Accurate and Golden Thread Charitable Foundations
Boys and Girls Club of Hamilton
Boys and Girls Club Saddle Lake
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
British Columbia Lung Association
Brock University
Bruker Ltd
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Busselton Population Cohort – Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
C2OERD – The Lung Centre
Cable 14
CAE Inc.
Calgary Health Region
Canada Health Infoway
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Canada Research Chairs Secretariat
Canadian Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Foundation (CAAIF)
Canadian Anaphylaxis Initiative (CAI)
Canadian Association for Population Therapeutics
Canadian Association of Geographers
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program
Canadian Climate Forum
Canadian Contact Dermatitis Group (CCDG)
Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Canadian Diabetes Association
Canadian Environmental Law Association
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
Canadian Frailty Network (CFN)
Canadian Glycomics Network (GlycoNet)
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR)
Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
Canadian Institute of Child Health (CICH)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Canadian Lung Association / Canadian Thoracic Society (National Office)
Canadian Medical Protective Association
Canadian Network for Asthma Care
Canadian Network for Respiratory Care
Canadian Obesity Network
Canadian Pediatrics Society
Canadian Perinatal Network
Canadian Pharmacists Association
Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy (CRISP)
Canadian Respiratory Research Network (CRRN)
Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network (CSCN)
Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (CSACI)
Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists
Cancer Care Ontario
Cancer Stem Cell Consortium (CSCC)
Cape Breton District Health Authority
Capital Health Nova Scotia
Cardiac Arrhythmia Network (CANet)
Carestream Medical
Carlton Cards Limited Inc
Carr-Gordon Limited
Case Western Reserve University
Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM)
Centre for Aboriginal Health Research (CAHR)
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Centre for Blood Research
Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD)
Centre for Ethics in Sport
Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease (CREOD)
Centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) Sainte-Justine
Centre of Excellence for Prevention of Organ Failure (PROOF)
Ception Therapeutics
CER Groupe Santé
Chanchlani Research Centre
Changzhou University
Chapman’s Ice Cream
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Chenomx Inc.
Cheryl Cuddeford Consulting
Child and Family Research Institute
Childhood Asthma Foundation
Children’s Allergy & Asthma Education Centre
Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba (CHRIM)
Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan
Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg
Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba
Chinese Medical Association
Chongquing Biomedical Engineering Society
Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence
Circassia Holdings
City of Guelph
City of Hamilton
City of Mississauga
City of Toronto
Clean Air Champions
CLR Media
Club PenguinTM Disney Online Studies Canada Inc.
Collegium Internationale Allergologicum (CIA)
Commense Inc.
Comprehensive Care International
Compute Canada
Coopérative des paramédics de l’Outaouais
COPD and Asthma Network of Alberta
CORE: Collaboration for Outcomes Research & Evaluation
Costello Foundation
Creating Hope Society
Credit Valley Hospital
CTI Life Sciences Fund
CUPE 4400
D. Rob Sutherland Consulting
Dairy Farmers of Canada
Dakota Tipi Health Centre
Dakota Tipi Tribal Council
Dalhousie Inflammation group
Dalhousie University
Daniel McKennitt Consulting
David Brener & Associates Inc.
Deborah Danoff Consulting
DeGroote Family—William J. Walsh Professorship in Medicine
Delton School
Developmental Origins of Chronic Diseases in Children Network of Manitoba (DEVOTION)
Dietitians of Canada
Discovery House
Dr. Gupta Medical Professional Corporation
Dr. T Gersner and Dr. J Roberts, Meadowood Centre
Dreamspeakers on Tour
Duke University
Dynavax Technologies
Effem Inc.
Elinor Wilson Consulting
Emory School of Medicine
Enoch Cree Nation Economic Development Department
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Environmental Health, LLC
Erica Di Ruggiero Consulting
Eskasoni First Nation
European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
European Commission
European Respiratory Society
Eva Bereti Consulting
Eva Eugenia Lillian Cope Graduate Scholarship
Evergreen Catholic Separate Regional Division No. 2
Excellence Sportive Québec-Lévis
Families First Program in Manitoba
Family Physician Airways Group of Canada
Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute
“Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies (FOCIS)
Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health (FIRH)
First Nations Family Caring Society
Fisher River Tribal Council
Fisher Scientific Company
Fondation de l’Institut de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec
Fondation Fast/Fast Foundation
Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Qébec-Réseau de recherche en santé environnementale
Fonds de recherche du Québec
Food Allergy Canada
Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE)
Food and Consumer Products of Canada
Food Safety and Quality Magazine
GB Diagnostics
Genentech Inc.
Gennum Corp.
Genome Alberta
Genome BC
Genome Canada
Genome Prairie, NORCOMM
Genome Quebec
German Academic Exchange Service
Giovanni & Concetta Guglietti Family Foundation
Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN)
Golden Horseshoe Biosciences Network
Goodfish Lake First Nation Health Centre
Government of Nova Scotia
Graham Scott Strategies Inc.
Grand Challenges Canada
Grant MacEwan College
Great Ormond St. Hospital
Greenfleet Ltd.
Grey Nuns Hospital
Groningen University
Halton Catholic District School Board
Halton District School Board
Halton Region
Hamilton Community Foundation
Hamilton Family Health Team
Hamilton Health Sciences
Hamilton Police Service
Harbin Institute of Technology
Harry Medovy House
Harvard School of Public Health
Harvard University
Health Canada
Health Canada—Bureau of Chemical Safety
Health Canada—Chemical Management Plan
Health Canada—First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
Health Canada—Food Directorate
Health Canada—Indoor Air Quality Section
Health Quality Ontario
HealthDiary Inc.
Healthy Child Manitoba
Helmholtz Zentrum München
Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal
Horizon Health Network
Hospital Nacional General de Neumologia y Medicina Familiar “Dr. Antonio Saldaña”
Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP)
Human Genome Research Institute National Institute of Health
ID Biomedical Corporation of Quebec
Immune Tolerance Network
Imperial College London
Imulan BioTherapeutics, LLC
Indiana University
Indigenous Health Research Development Program
Indoor Biotechnologies
Inflammation Research Network
Inner City High School (ICHS)
Inner City Youth Development Association
Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec
Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux
Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec (IUCPQ)
Institute for Biomolecular Design
Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES)
Institute for Knowledge Mobilization
Institute for Systems Biology (ISB)
Institute of Health Economics
Intelliware Development Inc.
Interagency Secretariat on Research Ethics
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
International Eosinophil Society
International Health Economics Association
International Science and Technology Partnerships Canada (ISTP)
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Ireland Canada University Foundation
Isodiagnostika Inc.
IVAX Research Inc.
IWK Health Centre
James Hogg iCAPTURE Centre
Jim LaPlante The Family Center
Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Centre
JP Bickell Foundation
Kanata Allergy Services Ltd.
Karolinska Institute
Kathy Hayward Consulting
Kids Brain Health Network (KBHN)
Kihew Asiniy Education Centre
Kikino Elementary, Northern Lights School Division No. 69
Killiam Trusts
Kincora Innovation
King Pharma
Kingston General Hospital
Kitaskinaw Education Authority
Knopp Biosciences LLC
La Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du Québec
Laboratory of Clinical Immunology
Lakehead University
Lawson Health Research Institute, London Health Sciences Centre
Leap Learning Technology Inc.
Les Presses de l’Université Laval
Lifebank Corporation
LifeSciences BC
Lincoln Diagnostics, Inc./ALK
Longwoods Publishing
Loretta Fiorillo Consulting
Louis Riel School
Lumira Capital
Lung Association of New Brunswick
Lung Association of Nova Scotia
Lung Association, Alberta & NWT
Luzerne Belcan Consulting
M. Alex Harvey
Manitoba ACADRE-NEAHR Network
Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Manitoba Health
Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines
Manitoba Institute for Child Health
Manitoba Medical Services Foundation
Mannawanis Native Friendship Centre Society
Maple Leaf Foods
Marine Environmental Observation, Prediction and Response Network (MEOPAR)
Mark Bisby Consulting
Markin Undergraduate Summer Studentship
Mary Jane Marchisotto Consulting
MatTek Corporation
McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited
McGill University
McMaster University
McMillan Binch Mendelsohn
MDS Capital – Milestone Medica
Meakins Christie Laboratories – Molecular Pathology Core Unit
Medic Alert
MedImmune, LLC
Membertou First Nation
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Merck Canada Inc.
Methapharm Inc
Metro Richelieu Inc.
Metro Vancouver Anaphylaxis Group
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
Michigan University
Microbiome Insights Inc
Mi’kmaq First Nations
Ministere du Sante et Services Sociale
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
Misericordia Hospital
Molecular You Corporation
Montréal Children’s Hospital
Montréal Children’s Hospital Foundation
Montréal General Hospital
Morinaga & Company Ltd.
Mount Sinai Hospital
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Munich Allergy Research Center (MARC)
N. Cisneros Consulting
NanoMedicines Innovation Network
NanoString Technologies
National Asthma Patient Alliance
National Centre for Genome Resources
National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health
National Health Medical Research Centre
National Heart and Lung Institute
National High Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Centre
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
National Institutes of Health
National Natural Science Foundation of China
National Research Council
National Sanitarium Association
Natural Resources Canada
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Neo Stem Inc.
Network Environments for Aboriginal Health Research (NEAHR)
Niagara Anaphylactic Support and Knowledge (NASK)
Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network
Norlien Foundation
Nortel Networks Corporation & CAE
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Northtaste Flavourings Inc.
Northwestern University
Nova Scotia ACADRE-NEAHR Network
Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.
Nurse Practitioner’s Association of Ontario
Nycomed Canada
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Onchamînahos School, Saddle Lake
Ono Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd.
Ontario Centres of Excellence
Ontario College of Family Physicians
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine (OIRM)
Ontario K-NET
Ontario Lung Association
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Ontario Ministry of Labour
Ontario Research Fund
Ontario-China Research and Innovation Fund
Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine
Oxford University Press
Pakan Elementary Junior High School
Paladin Laboratories
Palix Foundation
Parkdale Community Health Centre
Parker B. Francis Research Fellowship Program
Perkin Elmer Health Sciences Inc
Peter D. Burrows Consulting
Pfizer Canada Inc.
Pharmaxis Pharmaceutical Limited
Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada)
Popular Greetings Canada
Potlotek First Nation
Pro-Bio Associates
Protein Fractionation Inc.
Providence Healthcare
Province of Nova Scotia
Public Health Agency of Canada
Public Health Ontario
PureTech Health
QEII Health Sciences Centre
Quebec Lung Association
Queen’s University
Raine Study Foundation
Regional Municipality of Halton, Children’s Health Services
Research Manitoba
Research Power Incorporated
Reseau de Recherch en sante Environmente, Centre de Recherche en Sante Humaine
Réseau Québécois de l’asthme et de la MPOC
Respiratory Global Research And Training (GREAT) Network
River East Transcona School
Riverdale Partners
Robarts Research Institute
Roche Canada
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Royal University Hospital
Saddle Lake First Nation
Sanhueza & Associates Inc.
Sanofi Pasteur Limited
Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation
Saskatchewan Ministry of Health
Saudi Cultural Bureau of Canada
Schering-Plough Canada Inc.
Scott Sicherer Consulting
Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research
Sedulous Investments
Shoppers Drug Mart
SickKids Foundation
Siksika First Nations
Simon Fraser University
Society of Clinical Research Associates
Somagen Diagnostics Inc.
Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Southern Ontario Centre for Atmospheric Aerosol Research
Sporometrics Inc.
Sport Matters Group
St Joseph’s Immigrant Women’s Centre
St. Boniface General Hospital
St. James-Assiniboia School Division
St. John’s Research Institute
St. Joseph’s Health Centre, Toronto
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
St. Mary’s University
St. Michael’s Hospital
St. Paul’s Hospital
Stanford University
Statistics Canada
Stem Cell Network
Stem Cell Technologies
Stollery Children’s Hospital
Strauss Foundation
Sturgeon Community Hospital
Sudbury & District Health Unit
Sun Butter
Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Science Centre
Sunnybrook Health Science Centre
Suzanne Tough Consulting
Sylviane Duval Consulting
T. Gersner Consulting
Tactica Interactive
TEC Edmonton
Telethon Kids Institute-Children’s Research
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
The Allergy and Environmental Health Association of New Brunswick (AEHA-NB)
The American Association of Immunologists
The Banff Centre for Continuing Education
The Biomedical Research Centre
The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation
The Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE)
The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba
The Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba
The District 18 School Board (New Brunswick)
The First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada
The Hospital for Sick Children
The Hospital for Sick Kids Foundation
The McGill University Health Centre
The McGill University Health Centre Foundation
The Metabolomics Innovation Center
The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
The Sandbox Project
The Stroke Network
The Sun Centre of Excellence for Visual Genomics
The University of British Columbia
The University of Newcastle
The University of Western Australia
Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (TREKK)
Tranzyme Pharma
Treaty 7 Management Corporation
Tripos, Inc.
Trudell Medical International
Tui’kn Partnership
TVM Capital
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Université de Montréal
Université de Sherbrooke
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Université Laval
University College Cork
University Health Network (UHN)
University Medical Discoveries Inc.
University of Alberta
University of Alberta Hospital
University of Arizona
University of Bristol
University of Calgary
University of California
University of California-Berkeley
University of Copenhagen
University of Groningen
University of Guelph
University of Manchester
University of Manitoba
University of Munich
University of Nebraska
University of New Brunswick
University of Newcastle
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Ottawa
University of Oxford
University of Queensland
University of Saskatchewan
University of Toronto
University of Victoria
University of Victoria Genome BC Proteomics Centre
University of Washington
University of Waterloo
University of Western Australia
University of Western Ontario
University of Winnipeg
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin
Urgences-sante Quebec
Utrecht University
Vancouver Coastal Health
Vancouver General Hospital
Vancouver Hopsital and Science Centre
Vanier Scholarship
Vedanta BioSciences
Vienna General Hospital
Wagmatcook First Nation
Wahkotowin (Kinship) Society
Waycobah First Nation
Wayne G. Shreffler Consulting
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
West Australian Health Promotion Foundation
West Elgin Community Health Centre
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Western University
WestMed Inc
Whitefish Lake First Nation (Goodfish Lake)
Wilfrid Laurier University
Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Winnipeg School Division
Women’s and Children Health Research Institute
Women’s Health Concerns Clinic
Workers Compensation Board of Alberta
Worker’s Compensation Board of BC
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
World Allergy Organization
World Anti-Doping Agency
World Health Organization
World Health Organization – Collaborating Centre for Asthma and Rhinitis
World Health Organization – Global Alliance Against Respiratory Disease
Wyeth Canada
X Prize Foundation
Xenon Pharmaceuticals
Yellowhead Tribal Council
Yeshiva University
Yummy Mummy Club
Zentrum Allergie Und Umwelt Technische Universitat Munchen
The capacity to tackle new global health priorities
AllerGen’s 15-year commitment to networked, collaborative research across borders and disciplines has positioned its pan-Canadian teams to contribute to global efforts to address new and evolving health priorities across the entire span of immune/inflammatory disorders and responses.
In 2020-21 and beyond, AllerGen investigators are leveraging the network structure to mount rapid responses to address the COVID-19 pandemic. CHILD is conducting an important add-on study to measure the direct impacts of COVID-19 infection, as well as the indirect emotional and socioeconomic impacts of public health containment strategies on Canadian families.
From 2005-2020, AllerGen mobilized researchers from across the country and across disciplines:
- 528 researchers: 241 investigators | 287 collaborators
- helped train and mentor 1,763 HQP;
- worked on 220 projects based in 23 member institutions and involving 77 universities overall;
- represented at least 50 disciplines.
AllerGen investigators, 2005-2020: by institution
Alberta Asthma Centre
Shawna McGhan
Alberta Children’s Hospital
Gerry Giesbrecht
Bonnie Kaplan
Athabasca University
Susan Moisey
BC Children’s Hospital
Edmond Chan
Brandon University
Wendy Untereiner
Capital Health
Wenda Greer
Centre de Recherche en Infectiologie Centre Hopitalier Universitaire de Quebec
Yohan Bosse
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Arturas Petronis
Consulting Allergy & Immunology
Jason Ohayon
Dalhousie University
Gena Lacuesta
Tong-Jun Lin
Jean Marshall
Greg Rex
Susan Sherwin
Halifax Allergy & Asthma Associates
Sandy Kapur
Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal
Catherine Lemière
Hopital Ste Justine
Philippe Bégin
IWK Health Centre
Wade Watson
London Health Sciences Centre
Sanjay Mehta
Nigel Paterson
McGill University
Moshe Ben-Shoshan
André Dufresne
Qutayba Hamid
Claire Infante-Rivard
Lawrence Joseph
Feige Kaplan
Bartha Knoppers
James Martin
Bruce Mazer
Danuta Radzioch
McMaster University
Sonia Anand
Petra Arck
Joseph Beyene
John Bienenstock
Michael Cyr
Russell de Souza
Judah Denburg
Paul Forsythe
Warren Foster
Andreas Freitag
Sarah Garside
Jack Gauldie
Gail Gauvreau
Ted Haines
Mark Inman
Manel Jordana
Paul Keith
Mark Larché
Anthony Levinson
Joseph Macri
Parameswaran Nair
Helen Neighbour
Paul O’Byrne
Guillaume Paré
Malcolm Sears
Roma Sehmi
Martin Stampfli
Susan Waserman
Susan Watt
Zhou Xing
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Carlo Marra
Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Laurentian University
Stacey Ritz
Zacharias Suntres
Northwestern University
Edith Chen
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Thomas Hudson
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Clinic
Timothy Van DerLeek
Public Health and Preventive Medicine, First Nations and Inuit Health, Health Canada, Alberta Region”
Chris Sarin
Queen’s University
Yuka Asai
Heather Castleden
Qingling Duan
Anne Ellis
Diane Lougheed
Janice Minard
Jennifer Olajos-Clow
Jodan Ratz
Simon Fraser University
George Agnes
Ryan Allen
Tim Beischlag
Fiona Brinkman
Bruce Lanphear
Tim Takaro
The Hospital for Sick Children
Michael Brudno
Sharon Dell
Hartmut Grasemann
Colin McKerlie
Theo Moraes
Nades Palaniyar
Martin Post
Felix Ratjen
Susan Richardson
Sanja Stanojevic
Padmaja Subbarao
Teresa To
Wendy Ungar
The McGill University Health Centre
Celia Greenwood
Rhoda Kagan
Ciriaco Piccirillo
The University of British Columbia
Rafeed Abugharbieh
Jehannine Austin
Tony Bai
Michael Brauer
Chris Carlsten
Moira Chan-Yeung
Denise Daley
Paul Demers
Del Dorscheid
B. Brett Finlay
Mark FitzGerald
Aziz Ghahary
Jeremy Hirota
Susan Kennedy
Darryl Knight
Michael Kobor
Mieke Koehoorn
Tobias Kollmann
Wan Lam
Larry Lynd
Chris McLeod
Kelly McNagny
Greg Miller
Peter Paré
Mohsen Sadatsafavi
Andrew Sandford
Chun Soew
Don Stark
Patrick Tang
Scott Tebbutt
Scott Tebbutt
Stuart Turvey
Stephan van Eeden
Mark Wilkinson
Ruben Zamar
Université de Montréal
Lucie Blais
Guy Delespesse
Elie Haddad
Jean-Pierre Lavoie
Jacques Lussier
Jean-Luc Malo
Rafick-Pierre Sekaly
Université de Sherbrooke
Marek Rola-Pleszczynski
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Catherine Laprise
Université Laval
Jamila Chakir
Johanne Cote
Samuel Godefroy
Michel Laviolette
France Légaré
Université Laval – Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec (IUCPQ)
Marie-Renee Blanchet
Louis-Philippe Boulet
University Health Network
Gregory Dawny
University of Alberta
Darryl Adamko
Jeremy Beach
Dean Befus
Mohit Bhutani
Igor Burstyn
Lisa Cameron
Stuart Carr
Timothy Caulfield
Nicola Cherry
Marek Duszyk
Gary Eitzen
Catherine Field
Malcolm King
Anita Kozyrskyj
Paige Lacy
Carina Majaesic
Piush Mandhane
Tom Marrie
Irvin Mayers
Nola Ries
Bruce Ritchie
Brian Rowe
Don Schopflocher
Miriam Stewart
Brian Sykes
Dilini Vethanayagam
Harissios Vliagoftis
University of Calgary
Tavis Campbell
Ann Clarke
Joe Davison
Margaret Kelly
Paul Kubes
Richard Leigh
Nicole Letourneau
Glenda MacQueen
Ronald Mathison
Patrick Mitchell
Chris Mody
Katherine Wynne-Edwards
University of Manitoba
Meghan Azad
Allan Becker
Marni Brownell
Mariette Chartier
Heather Dean
Abdel Gounni
Andrew Halayko
Kent HayGlass
Brian MacNeil
Gail Marchessault
Aaron Marshall
Jeffrey Masuda
Javier Mignone
Neeloffer Mookherjee
Redwan Moqbel
Maggie Morris
Jennifer Protudjer
Clare Ramsey
Elizabeth Sellers
Gustaaf Sevenhuysen
Elinor Simons
Newman Stephens
University of Ottawa
Eric Crighton
University of Saskatchewan
Don Cockcroft
John Gordon
Peter Hull
University of Toronto
Jeff Brook
Lisa Cicutto
Paul Corey
Miriam Diamond
Thomas Eiwegger
Greg Evans
Richard Hegele
D. Holness
Irena Kudla
Gary Liss
Wendy Lou
Philip Marsden
Cameron Mustard
James Purdham
James Scott
Frances Silverman
Susan Tarlo
Peter Vadas
Mike Ward
Kathi Wilson
University of Victoria
Cecilia Benoit
University of Waterloo
Susan Elliott
Nancy Fenton
University of Winnipeg
Charles Wong
West Elgin Community Health Centre
Kevin Mardell
Zave Chad
Cathy Gillespie
Cal Gutkin
Network members, 2005-2020
Signatories to the NCE Network Agreement with AllerGen
Good governance as the bedrock of success
The successful fulfillment of AllerGen’s NCE mandate and mission was enabled by the unflagging commitment of the volunteers who comprised AllerGen’s Board of Directors, Research Management Committee (RMC), and various Advisory Committees.
Dozens of highly qualified professionals dedicated hundreds of hours to ensuring the AllerGen network lived up the the highest standards of excellence in its scientific, capacity-building, knowledge translation, and administrative endeavours.
AllerGen has benefited from the dedication of:
- 62 Board Directors;
- 46 AllerGen Students & New Professionals Network (ASNPN) Executive Committee members;
- 42 Research Management Committee (RMC) members;
- 40 International Scientific Excellence Advisory Committee (ISEAC) members;
- 22 Advanced Education and Training Opportunities Advisory Committee (AETOAC) members;
- 18 Network-Supported Intellectual Property Advisory Committee (NSIP) members; and
- 13 Policy, Ethics, Law and Society (PELS) Committee members.
AllerGen was governed by an independent Board of Directors (BoD) committed to the vision and mission of the Network. Board Directors promoted an atmosphere where research excellence and industrial expertise united to produce socio-economic benefits for Canadians. The BoD was responsible for the overall governance of the Network.
Board Chairs, 2005-2021
Mr. Lynton R. Wilson
Service as Chair: 2005-2007
Mr. Graham Scott
Service as Chair: 2007-2012
Dr. Howard Bergman
Service as Chair: 2012-2016
Dr. Pieter Cullis
Service as Chair: 2016-2021
Board Directors, 2005-2021
Title & institution
Term of service
Tony Bai, MD
Professor, The University of British Columbia
Douglas Barber, PhD
Distinguished Professor-in-Residence, Faculty of Engineering, McMaster University
Howard Bergman, MD, FCFP, FRCPC
Professor, Departments of Family Medicine, Medicine and Oncology, McGill University
John Bienenstock, MD
Professor, Medicine and Pathology and Molecular Medicine, McMaster University
Mark Bisby, DPhil
Kazimierz Borkowski, MD
Vice-President, Medical Affairs AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
Christopher Carlsten , MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Medicine, AstraZeneca Chair and Canada Research Chair in Occupational and Environmental Lung Disease, The University of British Columbia
Glenna Carr , ICD.D
President & CEO, Carr-Gordon Limited
Zave Chad , MD, FRCPC
Allergist & Immunologist and Associate Professor, University of Ottawa; Chair, Allergy Section, Canadian Paediatric Society, Ottawa
Pieter Cullis, PhD
Director, Life Sciences Institute; Chair Personalized Medicine Initiative, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of British Columbia
Deborah Danoff, MD, FRCPC, FACP
Adjunct Faculty, University of Ottawa and McGill University
Patrick Deane, PhD
President and Vice-Chancellor, McMaster University
Judah A. Denburg, MD, FRCPC
Scientific Director & CEO, AllerGen NCE Inc.
Kevin O’Brien Fehr, PhD
Director, Basic Research and Genetics,GlaxoSmithKline Inc.
Vanessa Foran
President & CEO, Asthma Canada
Charles Frankish, MD, FRCPC
Clinical Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine; University of Ottawa; Allergist & Clinical Immunologist, Kanata Allergy Services
Gail Gauvreau, PhD
Associate Professor, McMaster University
Peter George, MD
President, McMaster University
John Gordon, PhD
Professor, Department of Medicine; Director Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan
Donald Green
Chair & CEO, Greenfleet Ltd
Christine Hampson, PhD
President & CEO, The Sandbox Project
Richard Hegele, MD, FRCPC, PhD
Professor & Chair, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology; Chief Department of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, University of Toronto; The Hospital for Sick Children
Chaviva Hosek, MD
President & CEO, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
Tom Hudson , MD
President and Scientific Director, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Gloria Jordana, MD
Scientific Director, Gastrointestinal, Respiratory & Inflammation, AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
Thomas Kierans, MBA
Chair of Council & Vice President, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Toronto
Eric Leitch, MD, FRCP
Chair Canadian Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Foundation (CAAIF); Allerist & Immunologist
Jean-François Leprince
Managing Partner CTI Life Sciences Fund
Paul Lucas
President & CEO, GlaxoSmithKline Inc.
Mark Lundie, PhD
Director, Medical Affairs, Rare Diseases, Pfizer Canada Inc.
Piush Mandhane, MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor and Divisional Director, Paediatrics, Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta
Janice MacKinnon, PhD
Professor, School of Public Health, University of Saskatchewan
Kelly McNagny, PhD
Professor, Department of Medical Genetics Hematopoietic Cell Development, The University of British Columbia
John McNaughton
Chair, Comprehensive Care International
Redwan Moqbel, MD
Professor & Director, Pulmonary Research group, University of Alberta
Daniel Nixon, MBA
Director and Chief Financial Officer, Molecular You Corporation
Paul O’Byrne, MB, FRCPC, FRSC
Dean & Vice President, Faculty of Health Sciences, Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine; Distinguished University Professor, McMaster University
Simon Pimstone, MD
President & CEO, Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Bernard Prigent, MD, MBA
VP & Medical Director, Pfizer Canada Inc.
Claude Roy, MD, FRCPC
Gastroenterologist and Professor Emeritus, Hôpital Ste-Justine
Graham Scott, C.M., Q.C.
CEO, Graham Scott Strategies Inc.
Donald Stark, MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, The University of British Columbia
Padmaja Subbarao, MD
Staff Respirologist, Hospital for Sick Children
Terry Sullivan, MD
President & CEO, Cancer Care Ontario
Aubrey Tingle, MD, FRCPC
President & CEO, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
Teresa To, PhD
Senior Scientist, Child Health Evaluative Sciences, The Hospital for Sick Children; Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
D. Lorne Tyrrell, OC, AOE, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FRSC, FCAHS
Distinguished University Professor and Director; Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology, University of Alberta
2005-2006, 2012-2020
Frank Viti, MBA
Executive Director, Development Ducks Unlimited Canada
Harissios Vliagoftis, MD
Professor & Director, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta
Russell Williams
Vice President, Government Relations and Public Policy, Diabetes Canada
Elinor Wilson, PhD
Lynton R. Wilson, MA
Chairman of the Board, CAE Inc.
Diana Royce, EdD
Managing Director & COO (Ex-officio) / President & CEO (Member), AllerGen NCE Inc.
Diane Allan
Program Officer, NCE Secretariat
Danielle Arsenault, MPH
Program officer, NCE Secretariat
Tia Moffat, PhD
Senior Program Officer, NCE Secretariat
2008-2012, 2016-2019
Lisa Drouillard, MA
Program Deputy Director, NCE Secretariat
Pascal Marchand, Maitrise biologie
Senior Program Manager, NCE Secretariat
Wendy Street
Senior Program Manager, NCE Secretariat
Laura Feldman, MPH, H.B.Sc.
President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
Jennifer Protudjer, PhD
President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
Amrit Singh, PhD (c)
President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
Lianne Soller, PhD (c)
President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
AllerGen’s Research Management Committee (RMC) managed AllerGen’s research and Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) investments. This committee comprised research leaders, technology transfer experts, policy makers, and the Vice-President of the AllerGen Students and New Professionals Network (ASNPN).
RMC members, 2005-2019
Title & institution
Term of service
Judah A. Denburg, MD, FRCPC
CHAIR; Scientific Director & CEO, AllerGen NCE Inc.
Allan Becker, MD, FRCPC
Professor and Head, Section of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, Department of Pediatircs & Child Health, University of Manitoba
2005-2010, 2012-2019
Dean Befus, PhD
Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta
Louis-Philippe Boulet, MD
Ex-officio, Université Laval
Jeffrey Brook, PhD
Assistant Professor, Division of Occupational & Environmental Health and Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, The University of Toronto
Timothy Caulfield, LLM, FRSC, FCAHS
Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy, Trudeau Fellow & Professor, Faculty of Law and School of Public Health and Research Director, Health Law Institute, University of Alberta
Ann Clarke , MD, M.Sc, FRCPC
Professor, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine; The Arthritis Society Chair in Rheumatic Diseases, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Terry Delovich, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Western Ontario
Susan Elliott, PhD
Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo
2005-2013, 2014-2019
Gail Gauvreau, PhD
Associate Professor, McMaster University
John Gordon, PhD
Professor, Department of Medicine; Director Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan
Thomas Hudson
McGill University & Genome Quebec Innovation Centre
Michael Kobor, PhD
Professor and Canada Research Chair in Social Epigenetics, Department of Medical Genetics, Theme Lead, Healthy Starts, BCCHR Sunny Hill BC Leaderhip Chair in Child Deveopment, The University of British Columbia
Patricia Lorenz
President, Sedulous Investments
Jean Marshall, PhD
Professor, Departments of Microbiology & Immunology and of Pathology, Dalhousie University
Kelly McNagny, PhD
Professor, Department of Medical Genetics Hematopoietic Cell Development, The University of British Columbia
Redwan Moqbel, MD
Professor & Director, Pulmonary Research group, University of Alberta
Cameron Mustard
Ex-officio, University of Toronto
Paul O’Byrne, MB, FRCPC, FRSC
Dean & Vice President, Faculty of Health Sciences, Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine; Distinguished University Professor, McMaster University
Peter Paré
Professor, The University of British Columbia
Mark Raizenne, ScD
Adjunct Professor, School of Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa; Associate Director, Public Health, McLaughlin Centre for Population Risk Assessment, University of Ottawa
Andrew Sandford, PhD
Professor, Department of Medicine, The University of British Columbia
Malcolm Sears, MB, ChB, FRACP, FRCPC, FAAAAI
Professor, Division of Respirology, Department of Medicine; AstraZeneca Chair in Respiratory Epidemiology, McMaster University
David B. Shindler, PhD
President & CEO, Pro-Bio Associates
Frances Silverman
Ex-officio, University of Toronto
Padmaja Subbarao, MD, FRCPC, M.Sc. (Epid)
Clinician Scientist, Respirologist, The Hospital for Sick Children; Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, The University of Toronto; Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Director, CHILD Cohort Study, McMaster University
Stuart Turvey, MBBS, DPhil, FRCPC
Director, Clinical Research, BC Children’s Hospital, Professor, Division of Allergy and Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, The University of British Columbia
Brian Underdown
Managing Director, Lumira Capital Corporation
Randall Yatscoff, PhD
Executive Vice-President, TEC Edmonton
Diana Royce, EdD
Managing Director & COO (Ex-officio) / President & CEO (Member), AllerGen NCE Inc.
Diane Allan
Program Officer, NCE Secretariat
Danielle Arsenault, MPH
Program officer, NCE Secretariat
Lisa Drouillard, MA
Program Deputy Director, NCE Secretariat
Sara Esam
Senior Program Officer, NCE Secretariat
2012-2013, 2016-2019
Pascal Marchand, Maitrise biologie
Senior Program Manager, NCE Secretariat
Tia Moffat, PhD
Senior Program Officer, NCE Secretariat
2008-2011, 2016-2018
Wendy Street
Senior Program Manager, NCE Secretariat
Loubna Akhabir, PhD
Vice-President, ASNPN; McMaster University
Laura Feldman, MPH, H.B.Sc.
Vice-President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
David Préfontaine, PhD
Vice-President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
Pia Reece, PhD
Vice-President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
Lianne Soller, PhD (c)
Vice-President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
AllerGen’s Network-Supported Intellectual Property Advisory Committee (NSIP) reviewed AllerGen’s knowledge and technology exchange and exploitation (KTEE) opportunities, plans, programs and initiatives. It provided funding and strategic advice to the RMC, and provided mentorship to Network investigators to support the development, protection, commercialization and financing of intellectual property arising from Network research results.
NSIP members, 2007-2020
Title & institution
Term of service
Diana Royce, EdD
CHAIR; Managing Director & COO (Ex-officio) / President & CEO (Member), AllerGen NCE Inc.
Dean Befus, PhD
Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta
Thierry Bourgeois, MScA
Adjoint au vice-recteur à la recherche et à la création and vice-rectorat à la creation, Pavillon des Sciences de l’éducation, Université Laval.
David Brener, PhD
Principal, David Brener & Associates Inc.
Terry Delovich, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Western Ontario
Judah A. Denburg, MD, FRCPC
Scientific Director & CEO, AllerGen NCE Inc.
Sylviane Duval
Knowledge Transfer Specialist
Kevin O’Brien Fehr, PhD
Director, Basic Research and Genetics,GlaxoSmithKline Inc.
John-Paul Heale
Associate Director, The University of British Columbia
Claudia Hui , M.Sc., PhD
Analyst, Investment Banking, Bloom Burton & Co.
Neil Lemon , PhD, MBA
Technology Transfer Officer (Health Sciences), Industry Liaison Office, University of Saskatchewan
Patricia Lorenz
President, Sedulous Investments
Luc Marengère , PhD
Managing Partner, TVM Capital
Daniel Nixon, MBA
Director and Chief Financial Officer, Molecular You Corporation
David B. Shindler, PhD
President & CEO, Pro-Bio Associates
Brian Underdown
Managing Director, Lumira Capital Corporation
Randall Yatscoff, PhD
Executive Vice-President, TEC Edmonton
Arlene Yee , PhD
Director, Industry Partnerships and Commercialization Corporate Ventures, The Hospital for Sick Children
AllerGen’s Advanced Education And Training Opportunities Advisory Committee (AETOAC) advised the RMC on the recruitment and training of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP). The AETOAC reviewed and adjudicated applications for HQP program funding and recommended program investments that increased the knowledge, skills and ability of HQP to conduct and apply cutting-edge research in the areas of allergy, asthma and related immune diseases. The work of this committee was informed by reports from the AllerGen Students and New Professionals Network (ASNPN).
AETOAC members, 2005-2020
Title & institution
Term of service
Fiona Brinkman, PhD, FRSC
Professor, Department of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Associate Professor, School of Computing Science & Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
Judah A. Denburg, MD, FRCPC
Scientific Director & CEO, AllerGen NCE Inc.
Laura Feldman, MPH, H.B.Sc.
President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
Kent HayGlass
University of Manitoba
Richard Hegele, MD, FRCPC, PhD
Professor & Chair, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology; Chief Department of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, University of Toronto; The Hospital for Sick Children
Thomas Issekutz, MD
Professor and Head, Division of Immunology, Department of Pediatrics , Dalhousie University
Susan Kennedy, PhD
Professor, The University of British Columbia
Oxana Latycheva, PhD
Irvin Mayers, MD, FRCPC
Professor, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta
Chris Mody, MD
Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, University of Calgary
Michelle North, M.Sc.
President, ASNPN; University of Toronto
Jennifer Protudjer, PhD
President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
Danuta Radzioch, PhD
Professor, Department of Medicine, McGill University; Medical Scientist, Clinical Immunology, Montréal General Hospital
Marek Rola-Pieszczynski
Sherbrooke University
Diana Royce, EdD
Managing Director & COO (Ex-officio) / President & CEO (Member), AllerGen NCE Inc.
Andrew Sandford, PhD
Professor, Department of Medicine, The University of British Columbia
Amrit Singh, PhD (c)
President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
Lianne Soller, PhD (c)
President, AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network (ASNPN)
Wendy Ungar, PhD
Associate Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
Harissios Vliagoftis, MD
Professor & Director, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta
Richard Warrington , MB, BS, PhD, FRCPC, FAAAI
Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Department of Immunology, University of Manitoba
Susan Waserman, MD, FRCPC
Professor, Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Department of Medicine, McMaster University
AllerGen’s International Scientific Excellence Advisory Committee (ISEAC) reported to both the RMC and the BoD and advised on the quality and innovativeness of the Network’s research program. The ISEAC ensured that AllerGen-supported research and initiatives were at the leading edge of expertise and innovation, and were optimizing national and international opportunities for collaboration. It also performed external peer reviews, provided formative feedback on the Network’s research funding competitions, and contributed to the development of strategic priorities and plans.
ISEAC members, 2005-2018
Title & institution
Term of service
Sean Bendall, PhD
Assistant Professor (Research) of Pathology, Stanford University
Hans Bisgaard
Professor, Department of Pediatrics; Head, Danish Pediatric Asthma Centre, University of Copenhagen
2012, 2015-2016
Bruce Bochner, MD
Professor of Medicine and Director; Division of Allergy and Immunology, John Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Centre
2005-2006; 2007-2009; 2009-2012
David Broide, MD
Professor of Medicine, University of California
Wes Burks, MD
Professor of Pediatrics, Chief of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Duke University Medical Centre
Rick Burnett
Health Canada
Peter D. Burrows, PhD
Professor of Microbiology, UAB School of Medicine, University of Alabama
William Busse
University of Wisconsin
Monique Capron
Institut Pasteur de Lille
Noreen Clarke
Professor of Public Health, Professor of Pediatrics & Communicable Diseases, University of Michigan
Deborah Danoff, MD, FRCPC, FACP
Adjunct Faculty, University of Ottawa and McGill University
2012; 2015-2016
Erica Di Ruggiero, BSc., MHSc., PhD, RD
Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Director of the Office of Global Public Health Education and Training, Director of the Collaborative Program in Global Health, University of Toronto
Jim Dunn, PhD
Research Scientist and Associate Professor, Departments of Geography & Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto
Kevin O’Brien Fehr, PhD
Consultant, Kincora Innovation
2012; 2015-16
Samir Gupta, MD, MSc
Associate Scientist; Associate Professor; Staff Respirologist, Li Ki Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital; Department of Medicine; University of Toronto; St. Michael’s Hospital
Andrew Halayko, PhD
Professor, Department of Physiology and Internal Medicine, University of Manitoba
2012; 2015-2016
Nazir Jarjour, MD
Professor and Head, Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin
2012; 2015-2016
Juha Kere, MD, PhD
Professor, Molecular Genetics, Karolinska Institute
2005-2006; 2009-2012;
Hillel Koren, PhD
Consultant, Environmental Health, LLC
2009-2012; 2015-2016
Stephanie London, MD, PhD
Principal Investigator Genetics, Environment Respirtory Disease Group, North Carolina, USA
Aiden Long, MD
(Scientific Co-Chair) Clinical Director, Department of Allergy & Immunology, Massachusetts General Hospital
2012; 2015-2017
Mary-Jane Marchisotto, MBA
SVP of Research & Operations, Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE), Co-Chair, Patient Organizations Committee of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; Chair, International Food and Anaphylaxis Alliance
Fernando Martinez, MD
Arizona Respiratory Centre, University of Arizona
Paul McDonald, PhD
Associate Professor & Department Chair; Department of Health Studies & Gerontology, University of Waterloo
Dave Peden, MD
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Allergy, Immunology & Environmental Medicine & Lung Biology, University of North Carolina
Yuri Quintana, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Benjamin Raby
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Brigham & Women’s Hospital
2012; 2015-2016
Pia Reece
Post-doctoral Fellow, McMaster University
2012; 2015-2016
Paolo Renzi, MD
Professor and Pulmonologist, McGill University
2012; 2015-2016
Diana Royce, EdD
Managing Director & COO (Ex-officio) / President & CEO (Member), AllerGen NCE Inc.
Robert Schleimer, MD
Chief, Allergy-Immunology Division, Northwestern University
David Shindler, PhD
President & CEO, Pro-Bio Associates
2012; 2015-2016
Wayne G. Shreffler, MD, PhD
Chief, Pediatric Allergy & Immunology, Director, Food Allergy Centre, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children
Scott Sicherer, MD
Professor, Pediatrics, Allergy and Immunology, Chief of the Division of Allergy and Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, The Mount Sinai Hospital
D. Rob Sutherland , MSc
Professor, Department of Medicine; Technical Director Clinical Flow Cytometry, Laboratory Medicine Program University of Toronto, University Health Network
Adi Treasurywala , PhD
President, Arrowcan Partners Inc.
2012; 2015-2016
Scott Weiss , MD
Harvard Partner Center fr Genetics & Genomics, Harvard University
2005-2006; 2007-2009
Peter Weller
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Natalie Williams, BSc, Hon; MLIS
Data Manager, NutriGen Birth Cohort Alliance, McMaster University
David Wishart, PhD
Professor, Faculty of Science, Biological Sciences, University of Alberta
The Executive Committee of the AllerGen Students & New Professionals Network (ASNPN) was mandated to enhance research and professional networking opportunities for AllerGen research trainees, research staff and new professionals. The ASNPN Executive Committee comprised a maximum of 10 elected members and a past President. Executive Committees were national, multidisciplinary teams, representing different regions, official languages, educational levels and AllerGen Legacy Projects and Enabling Platforms.
ASNPN Executive members, 2005-2019
Title & institution
Term of service
Umme Akhtar, MSc
Secretary-Treasurer; University of Toronto
Loubna Akhabir, PhD
Vice President; McMaster University
Farzian Aminuddin
Events/Communications Director ; The University of British Columbia
Victoria Arrandale
Regional Director, Ontario; University of Toronto
Yuka Asai, PhD (c)
Regional Director, Quebec/Atlantic; McGill University
Meghan Azad, PhD
Events Director; University of Alberta
Bassel Dawod, PhD (c)
Regional Director, Quebec/Atlantic; Dalhousie University
Anne Ellis, MD, M.Sc.
President; McMaster University
Past President; McMaster University
Laura Feldman, MPH (c)
Member at Large; University of Toronto
Vice President; University of Toronto
President; SickKids
Kathleen Fraser, PhD
Events/Communications; Queen’s University
Elaine Fuertes PhD (c)
Secretary-Treasurer; The University of British Columbia
Vivek Gandhi, PhD (c)
Regional Director, West Central; The University of British Columbia
Luisa Giles, PhD
Communications Director ; The University of British Columbia
Matthew Gold
Regional Director, Pacific West Central; The University of British Columbia
Leah Graystone, M.Sc
Events Director; University of Waterloo
Jeremy Hirota, PhD
Regional Director, Pacific ; The University of British Columbia
Claudia Hui, PhD
Regional Director, Ontario; McMaster University
Kyla Jamieson, PhD (c)
Member at Large; University of Calgary
Cynthia Kanagaratham, PhD
Regional Director, Quebec/Atlantic; McGill University
Young Woong Kim, PhD (c)
Regional Director, Pacific; The University of British Columbia
Megan Knoll
Regional Director, Quebec/Atlantic; McGill University
Erica Ladouceur
Member at Large; University of Alberta
Steven Maltby
Regional Director, Pacific West Central; The University of British Columbia
Brittany Matenchuk, M.Sc (c)
Member at Large; University of Alberta
Katherine Morris
University of Alberta
Mahmoud Mostafa, PhD (c)
Member at Large; University of Calgary
Stephanie Nairn, PhD (c)
Regional Director, Quebec/Atlantic; McGill University
Garthika Navaranjan , PhD (c)
Regional Director, Ontario; University of Toronto
Michelle North, ,M.Sc.
Vice President; University of Toronto
President; University of Toronto
Past President; University of Toronto
Carlo de Olim Rugginenti, MSc (c)
Member at Large; Université de Montreal
Jennifer Protudjer, PhD
University of Manitoba
Vice President; University of Manitoba
President; University of Manitoba
David Préfontaine, PhD
Vice President; McGill University
Pia Reece, PhD
Vice President; McMaster University
Marie-Claire Rousseau
Université Laval
Eduardo Reyes-Serratos, MSc (c)
Regional Director, West-Central ; University of Alberta
Pawan Sharma
University of Manitoba
Leah Shaver , M.Sc. (c)
Events Director; University of Waterloo
Sami Shariff, M.Sc. (c)
Regional Director, West-Central; University of Calgary
Elizabeth Simms, MD / PhD (c)
Regional Director, Ontario; McMaster University
Amrit Singh, PhD (c)
Regional Director, Pacific; The University of British Columbia
President; The University of British Columbia
Steven Smith
Regional Director, Ontario; McMaster University
Mena Soliman, M.Sc.
Communications Director ; Queen’s University
Lianne Soller, M.Sc., PhD (c)
Regional Director, Quebec/Atlantic; McGill University
Vice President; McGill University
President; McGill University
Chris Taplin
The University of British Columbia
Mark Tenn, M. Sc. (c)
Member at Large; Queen’s University
Events Director; Queen’s University
Jasemine Yang, PhD (c)
Regional Director, Pacific; The University of British Columbia
Communications Director; The University of British Columbia
AllerGen’s Policy, Ethics, Law and Society (PELS) Committee reviewed and provided guidance to the RMC regarding the formulation of Network plans and proposals, to ensure alignment with the ethical, legal and social values of AllerGen, the NCE Secretariat/Tri-Agency Councils and AllerGen’s network members/signatory institutions.
PELS members, 2009-2012
Title & institution
Term of service
Timothy Caulfield, LLM
Chair, Faculty of Law and School of Public Health, Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy, Senior Health Scholar with the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, and Research Director, Health Law Institute, University of Alberta
Michael Abbott
Senior Evaluator, Food Allergy and Intolerance Assessment Section, Chemical Health Hazard Assessment Division , Food Directorate, Health Canada
Lisa Cicutto, PhD
Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing & Medicine, University of Toronto
Susan Elliott, PhD
Professor & Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, Unversity of Waterloo
Alina Gildiner
Assistant Professor , McMaster University
Samuel Godefroy, PhD
Director General, Bureau of Chemical Safety, Health Canada
Christine Hampson, PhD
President & CEO, The Sandbox Project
Anthony Levinson, MD
Director, Division of e-Learning Innovation; John Evans Chair in Educational Research; Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University
Diane Lougheed, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Queen’s University
Mark Raizenne, SD
Director General, Centre for Food-borne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Public Health Agency of Canada
Bill Swan, MHA
Deputy CEO, International Health Economics Association
Elinor Wilson, PhD
President & CEO, Assisted Human Reproduction Canada
Diana Royce, EdD
Managing Director & COO, AllerGen NCE Inc.
Founding partnerships
In 2005, within eight months of commencing Network operations, AllerGen established partnerships with 20 Canadian universities, 23 institutes/centres and 63 research partners in Canada and abroad.
These founding partnerships overcame barriers of geography, disciplines and sectors, bringing together the talents and resources of the academic, government, private and not-for-profit sectors in a collaborative research culture to tackle the challenges of allergic disease.
By 2008, AllerGen’s partnerships had expanded to 176 organizations across sectors, including:
- industry (35);
- universities (28);
- federal/provincial agencies (24);
- hospitals (23);
- research institutes (26);
- not-for-profits/NGOs (40).
At the conclusion of its first seven-year funding cycle in 2012, AllerGen was working with nearly 200 partners across the Network’s spectrum of research, knowledge mobilization and capacity building initiatives.
Image: list of partners from AllerGen’s first Annual Report (2005-2006).
nothing doing
International partnerships/MOUs
AllerGen’s international partnerships have reflected an enduring commitment to deliver new therapeutics, clinical guidelines, research, programs, and knowledge to global audiences.
These strategic relationships enriched training, skill acquisition and career opportunities for Network students, new professionals and researchers.
Between 2005 and 2019, AllerGen collaborated with 148 international partners and established seven (7) Memoranda of Understanding with international research organizations.
These agreements leveraged the expertise of each organization’s researchers and research infrastructure, allowing collaborative research and scientific activities, the exchange of students and academic staff, and providing training and skill acquisition opportunities for the next generation of allergic and related immune disease researchers.
Student (HQP) international research achievements
Through AllerGen’s International Partnerships Initiative (IPI) funding and the Network’s International Trainee Research Visit program, 45 AllerGen trainees have trained outside of Canada working with international investigators and their research teams.
These research visits directly advanced AllerGen-funded research projects and allowed trainees to refine their skills in new environments, gain cultural fluency, and expand their professional networks to succeed as globally-engaged scientists in the fields of allergy and asthma.
Image: Laura Zuccaro in Stockholm.
Read about the international experiences of AllerGen HQP:
- McMaster University trainee collaborates with Harvard University (Dr. Rodrigo Jiménez-Saiz)
- Stanford-AllerGen partnership supports HQP specialized training (Dr. Christopher Rudulier)
- Studying second-hand smoke and food allergy at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute (Laura Feldman)
- AllerGen-Australia exchanges advances discoveries in asthma and respiratory health</strong (Dr. Jeremy Hirota)
- AllerGen-Karolinska Institute collaboration produces a novel food allergy education program for youth (Dr. Jennifer Protudjer)
Industry partnerships
AllerGen research teams worked with approximately 31 industry partners each year throughout the Network’s mandate.
Industry partnerships with the Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC) and Biomarkers & Bioinformatics (B&B) teams have been particularly fruitful, generating numerous discoveries in allergic diseases diagnosis, treatment and new drug development.
The CIC has conducted 29 “proof-of-concept” clinical trials that determine pharmacological activity, pharmacokinetics, target engagement, and efficacy of new molecules and compounds for allergic and severe asthma. Within these trials, it has licensed 23 Standardized Operating Practices (SOPs) to industry partners since 2005.
The CIC has partnered with 19 companies, including global biopharmaceutical companies Amgen, AstraZeneca, Genentech, Novartis, Pfizer, Schering Plough, and Wyeth. CIC has also provided new Canadian biotechnology companies (Asmacure, AIM Therapeutics) with business and commercialization insights on which to base strategic investment decisions, facilitating Canadian small and medium enterprise (SME) development.
B&B research teams have worked with a diverse array of industry partners who helped to ensure that AllerGen research was novel and relevant to industry, clinicians, policymakers and patients.
Read about AllerGen industry partnerships:
- Blood biomarker panels of late-phase asthmatic response (NanoString) (Dr. Scott Tebbutt)
- Finding biomarkers of allergic disease using CyTOF technology (Drs Kelly McNagny, Judah Denburg and Gail Gauvreau)
- Saliva-based test for stress (Dr. Dean Befus, Eduardo Reyes-Serratos)
- Portable air quality sensor measures pollution levels (AUG Signals) (Drs Jeffrey Brook and Greg Evans)
- AllerGen researchers launch food allergy app for youth (Tactica Interactive) (Dr. Allan Becker)
Legacy partners
As AllerGen concludes its NCE mandate, several of the Network’s longstanding clinical and community partner organizations continue to support and deliver AllerGen’s Legacy Projects and major HQP award programs to ensure a lasting legacy for Canada.
- AllerGen research has laid the foundation for the development and implementation of a coordinated, comprehensive national food allergy strategy. The Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical (CSACI) and Food Allergy Canada are leveraging AllerGen’s comprehensive food allergy research results to develop a National Food Allergy Action Plan, with the goal of guiding future food allergy research investments and informing evidence-based policy frameworks to minimize the risks and adverse impacts of food allergy for the 50% of households directly and indirectly affected by the condition.
- AllerGen’s Emerging Clinician-Scientist Fellowship awards are jointly carried forward by three of AllerGen’s national partners, spanning clinical (Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology – CSACI), government (Canadian Institutes of Health Research – CIHR) and industry (AstraZeneca) sectors, to support Canadian allergists, clinical immunologists, MD clinician-scientists and basic scientists undertaking translational academic research in allergic asthma.
- Graduate Student Research Awards are sustained by the Canadian Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Foundation (CAAIF) and Asthma Canada to support the training, education and professional development of graduate students, and to promote the search for a cure for asthma.
- Summer Studentships are offered by the CSACI to enable undergraduate trainees and medical students to conduct research in asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, chronic urticaria, food allergy, anaphylaxis, immunodeficiency and other immunological diseases.
- The Sandbox Project, a charitable organization devoted to making Canada the best place in the world to raise a child, provides an annual venue for CHILD research results to be presented to national maternal and child health organizations from across Canada, The Sandbox Project is also AllerGen’s charitable partner in raising funds for the Michelle Harkness Mentorship Award, a unique mentorship excellence recognition program.
International Partnerships Initiative: At the forefront of international cutting-edge initiatives
In 2006-07, just two years into its mandate, AllerGen was selected by the NCE’s International Partnerships Initiative (IPI) program for additional funding to develop and enhance linkages with other centres of excellence around the world.
AllerGen was one of only seven NCE’s to receive IPI support and its award of nearly $1.1 million was the largest granted in the competition.
AllerGen’s IPI funding
NCE award: $828,000
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) award: $262,000
With this support, AllerGen forged collaborative partnerships with five international organizations renowned for their world-class research and knowledge mobilization capacities.
These collaborations placed Canada at the forefront of global outreach and development efforts to tackle the socioeconomic burden of allergy and asthma, and provided unique capacity building and professional development opportunities for Canadian researchers and trainees.
In total, 55 AllerGen investigators and 31 Network Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) participated in AllerGen’s IPI partnerships. These opportunities enriched their research and collaborative capacity and expanded their networks of influence and the global reach of their ideas and research results
Trainee involvement represented a >200% increase in the number of HQP previously engaged in international collaborations Network-wide and provided a rich training environment for the next generation of outstanding Canadian researchers.
AllerGen’s IPI initiatives resulted in 73 KTEE outputs, including 11 scientific publications; 25 workshops and conferences; and 37 international presentations – all contributing to the advancement of research, training and clinical care in allergic diseases.
In addition, AllerGen investigator Dr. Teresa To led the spin-off of a Canadian GARD subsidiary called the Respiratory Global Research And Training (GReAT) Network. This network identifies, unites and trains national and international clinicians and researchers, engaging them in global respiratory health research with a focus on chronic respiratory diseases.
The IPI funding from the NCE Program and IDRC allowed AllerGen to raise Canada’s profile on the world stage and ensure that Canadians were part of new international cutting-edge initiatives in allergic diseases.
Beyond its five major collaborations, AllerGen’s relationships and collaborations established through the IPI program spawned new partnerships with genetic, environmental and allergy, asthma and allergic disease researchers in Germany, China and Australia that supported the Network’s research, KTEE and capacity building goals.
AllerGen’s IPI initiatives included:
Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN)
AllerGen investigators: 15
- Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN) – Gent, Belgium: European network to ensure excellence and harmonization in allergy research among European Union (EU) countries.
- GABRIEL Study – EU-wide: Multidisciplinary gene-environment study with goal to genotype 200,000 patients to identify asthma-related gene markers.
MAJOR OUTPUT: GA2LEN and AllerGen researchers identified internationally accepted strategies for the development and implementation of birth cohort studies and integrated resources such as databases, birth cohorts, biobanks and common protocols and standards to understand the epidemiology, gene-environment interactions and disease mechanisms of asthma.
AllerGen and GABRIEL researchers integrated their datasets, positioning Canadian expertise in a major international genome-wide association study (GWAS) published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2010.
Karolinska Institute (KI)
AllerGen investigators: 16
- Karolinska Institute (KI) – Stockholm, Sweden: One of Europe’s largest medical universities and Sweden’s largest centre for medical training research.
MAJOR OUTPUT: In partnership with the KI’s Centre for Allergy Research, AllerGen undertook numerous collaborations:
- Partnered on data sharing between Canadian and Swedish birth cohorts
- AllerGen’s CIC developed an agreement with the KI to provide a European node for the CIC’s early-stage clinical testing of new compounds
- Jointly assessed respiratory/allergy management guidelines in primary care (asthma and allergic rhinitis)
- An AllerGen-Karolinska student exchange program resulted in outstanding opportunities for Network trainees, transforming their research careers and enabling long-term interactions and collaborations between AllerGen and international teams
- AllerGen and Karolinska shared, harmonized and disseminated knowledge and techniques for the management and treatment of pediatric respiratory lung disease
World Health Organization (WHO) – Global Alliance against chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD)
AllerGen investigators: 9
- World Health Organization (WHO) – Global Alliance against chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD) – Geneva, Switzerland: An alliance of international organizations, GARD contributes to the World Health Organization’s global work to prevent and control chronic respiratory diseases.
MAJOR OUTPUT: Collaborations between AllerGen and GARD resulted in two (2) major guidelines updates:
- Canadian and international guidelines for Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) to deal with allergic rhinitis and asthma, and improved management and treatment practices
- GARD Action Plan Against Chronic Respiratory Diseases An AllerGen-initiated spinoff called the Respiratory Global Research And Training (GReAT) Network became a repository for global respiratory datasets and a source of related training opportunities that positioned Canada at the forefront of global respiratory disease surveillance
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD)
AllerGen investigators: 10
- International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) – Paris, France: Focused on low- and middle-income countries, the IUATLD helps nations develop and implement prevention and control programs to deal with lung disease and associated community health issues.
MAJOR OUTPUT: AllerGen and the IUATLD delivered a joint Global Lung Health Symposium; contributed to the World Health Organization’s lung health policy Practical Approach to Lung Health (PAL-WHO); and worked with key stakeholders from El Salvador, Mexico and Canadian First Nations to develop and implement lung health strategies.
In El Salvador, AllerGen-IUATLD efforts led to the creation of an asthma clinic in El Salvador’s National Lung Hospital. The “Clinica del Asma: Dr. Dean Befus” is named after AllerGen investigator Dr. Dean Befus, director of the former Alberta Asthma Centre, who spearheaded the initiative to help address the high rates of uncontrolled asthma and lack of affordable medications in El Salvador. With IPI support, the team developed an asthma management program, including staff training, patient teaching and educational materials, and donation of pulmonary function equipment for lung function testing.
St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, St John’s Research Institute (SJRI)
AllerGen investigators: 5
- St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, St John’s Research Institute (SJRI) – Bangalore, India: One of 11 international collaborating centres of excellence to prevent and control chronic diseases in developing countries.
MAJOR OUTPUT: AllerGen and SJRI investigators developed a research program to examine the impact nutrition plays in pregnancy, early life, and childhood development of chronic diseases, such as allergy and asthma. Comparing the results of this cohort study to Canadian studies allowed researchers to look at cultural, social and biological factors impacting the development of allergy and other chronic diseases.